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28 Apr - 1 May 2025

Upgrade Your Exhibitor Package and get over 13 times the profile views

Get ahead of the competition and bring your products and services to life by upgrading to a Premium Promotional Package.

The Premium Packages drive an average of over 13 times as many visitors to your online company profile, over 28 times as many product views and over 5 times as many online pre-show leads*.

The Upgrade Packages are limited, with only 50 Premium Packages and 5 Premium Plus Packages available.

If you are a First Time Exhibitor, view our New Exhibitor Premium Package.

Premium Package – only 50 available

Upgrade to Premium and in addition to everything from the Registration Package, you will benefit from...

Highlighted Listing in Exhibitor Directory

Get noticed by more visitors with a larger, highlighted exhibitor listing.

Your profile will be double the size of regular profiles, highlighted in a different colour and promotes your products, services and stand location.

Product Carousel in Search Summary

Immediately showcase your products and services to visitors to get an average of over 28 times more product views* with an exclusive product carousel.

Visit Page Product Promotion (worth $2,750)

Get noticed by promoting your company product on the Visit Page of the website, attracting over 20,000 page views each year.

A web banner on the ATM Visit page is worth $2,750 making the Premium package excellent value.

Highlighted Entry in Event Guide

Your exhibitor entry in the event guide will be highlighted to stand out amongst your competitors.

There will be 17,500 copies of the official ATM event guide – the top reference point used by visitors to navigate around ATM.

50 Word Entry in Event Guide

50 words to describe your brand, destination, product or service in the official ATM Event Guide with your stand number.

There will be 15000 copies of the official ATM Event Gudie – the top reference point used by visitors to navigate around ATM.

Premium Plus Package – only 5 available

Upgrade to Premium Plus and in addition to everything from the Registration and Premium packages, you will benefit from...

Home Page Promotion (worth $5,775)

Get noticed by promoting your company product on the Home Page. Your company will gain the maximum possible exposure through this exclusive showcase for only 5 exhibitors.

A fantastic opportunity for product launches or reinforcing your position as a market leader.

Highlighted Product

Make your products stand out from the rest with a highlighted product listing in the product gallery.

Attract the right buyers: those interested specifically in your product for highly targeted leads and an average of over 28 times as many product page views*.

Routeplanner - Quarter Page Ad / Advertorial

A quarter page advert or advertorial to feature in 17,500 copies of the official ATM Routeplanner – the top reference point used by visitors to navigate around ATM.

Promotion on Facebook and Twitter

You will benefit from an announcement to thousands of followers on our Facebook and Twitter channels, promoting your company, product, service or destination with your stand number.

Guest on Official WTM Portfolio Blog

An exclusive opportunity to be seen and respected as a thought leader by thousands of our readership.

Your company can feature with a Q&A interview on the official WTM Portfolio blog.