14 - 16 April 2025
São Paulo, Brasil

WTM Latin America Association Partners


ABETA is a non-profit business association that brings together the main Brazilian companies in the nature travel area, with its mission being to represent, qualify and promote Brazilian nature tourism, inspiring the necessary changes in order to position Brazil as a reference in terms of responsible, safe, sustainable tourism.


The Brazilian Hotel Industry Association - National ABIH, has been working for 86 years in the defence of guidelines that can develop the tourism and hospitality industry throughout the country. It represents roughly 32 thousand accommodation facilities and has a presence in all 26 Brazilian states as well as in the Federal District, through the ABIHs state branches.


ANSEDITUR - National Association of Municipal Tourism Secretaries and Officials is aimed at strengthening municipal tourism departments, by means of the training of their Secretaries, inclusion in public policies aimed at tourism, taking part in shows and promoting destinations at the domestic and international level.


ALAGEV – the Latin American Event Management and Corporate Travel Association - complete 20 years old and brings together travel and event managers as well as those that supply this market, with the aim of producing a collective construction of balanced solutions for the market, training and qualified networking.


Aprecesp – the State of São Paulo’s Association of Tourism Cities – is a non-profit private organization established in 1985 with the objective of representing the interests of and working for the touristic development of the state’s seaside and inland cities.Currently, the association congregates 70 member-cities comprising beach resorts, climate health resorts, spa towns and tourist resorts.


ATTA represents more than 1,100 tour operators, government agencies, travel agents, specialist media and marketing agencies in over 90 countries. The association works to develop Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism in the world and is the segment’s representative entity that is recognized by the WTO.


BRAZTOA – Brazilian Association of Tour Operators brings together the leading tour operators and their partner brands and has been one of the most representative tourism associations in Brazil since 1989. We work to enhance the role of our members within an organised market framework, promoting entrepreneurial freedom and business sustainability.

Brazilian LGBT Chamber of Commerce and Tourism

Brazil’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce and Tourism is a non-profit association whose main objective is to promote businesses aimed at and/or originating in the LGBTQIA+ community, via the spreading of knowledge and network promotion.


The FOHB – the Forum of Brazilian Hotel Operators, is a non-profit entity that brings together the most important hotel chains. Founded in 2002, it includes 22 domestic and international hotel chains with 887 hotels and a total of 134 thousand HUs (Habitational Units). They are present in 1,200 municipalities, generating 150 thousand direct and indirect jobs.

IGLTA, the International LGBTQ+ Travel Association

The International LGBTQ+ Tourism Association is the world's leading travel association dedicated to connecting LGBTQ+ travelers and educating the businesses that make them feel welcome and support them along the way. The IGLTA was founded in 1983 and now operates in more than 80 countries on every continent.

Skål International São Paulo

The World Association of Travel & Tourism Professionals -- Skål International, which was founded in 1934, is a global collaborative network of professionals who play leading roles in the different segments that make up the sector, and which operates in 100 countries and is guided by the UN's 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).


UNEDESTINOS, the National Union of CVBs and Destination Entities, is a non-governmental organization governed by private law, made up of mixed, public and private entities, which specializes in the promotion of destinations, research, content generation, training programs, support and event capture in general.


VBRATA – Visit Brazil Travel Association is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting Brazil as a tourist, cultural and business destination in the United Kingdom, Europe and Latin America.


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