9 - 11 April 2025
Cape Town

Protect. Respect. Conserve.


A better future for all

Responsible Tourism is what we do to make tourism more sustainable, it is about how we use tourism to create sustainable development to benefit communities and destinations.

Responsible Tourism is about taking responsibility, responding, taking action to address the social, economic and environmental issues of sustainability that arise in destinations. It is about doing something about it. It is about making a difference.

Our world’s destinations are diverse reflecting the natural diversity of our planet and the wealth of cultures that have arisen as people evolved in different environments and with particular histories, cultures and understanding of the world and of our place in it. Responsible Tourism celebrates that diversity and recognises that whilst destinations can learn from what has been done elsewhere, all solutions are local requiring the engagement of a unique set of stakeholders.

WTM Africa will be hosting a full day conference on Responsible Tourism.

ICRT Southern Africa

The Southern African Chapter of the International Centre for Responsible Tourism (ICRT) provides local context to a global imperative that we all take responsibility for ensuring a sustainable future.

The goals and objectives of the Southern African ICRT Chapter include:

  • Campaign for Responsible Tourism: Promoting Responsible Tourism through idea promotion and demonstration projects.
  • Facilitate South-South Exchange: Encouraging and facilitating knowledge exchange among Responsible Tourism academics and practitioners.
  • Advocacy and Information Dissemination: Organizing conferences and workshops and disseminating information about Responsible Tourism principles and practices through various media. The Inaugural Southern Africa Workshop will be hosted in April 2024 at Piggs Peak Hotel in Eswatini.

ICRT SA welcomes stakeholders and tourism professionals interested in building responsible practices in the tourism industry.


WTM Africa World Responsible Tourism Awards

The much-anticipated highlight at WTM Africa, the annual Responsible Tourism Awards honoured exceptional initiatives and individuals leading by example with sustainable tourism practices. To find out more about the winners that were announced at the show, click below.