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4 – 6 November 2025

Call for Advisors

World Travel Market releases a ‘Call for Advisors’, seeking independent experts to work alongside WTM in developing the conference programme for 2024. The submissions approach ensures inclusivity and aligns with WTM’s commitment to delivering the freshest insights, contributing to the advancement of the industry, while providing the sector with inspiring ideas for the year ahead. 

WTM invites industry experts and leaders to submit their interest in moulding conference content on a specific subject matter. Advisors will be selected based on their experience, expertise, and innovative knowledge on a particular topic. 

The advisor will actively work with the WTM conference team to shape the direction of specific sessions and acquire speaker and panel participants. 

Advisors are required in the following topic areas:

Our key markets include, Hospitality, Aviation, Transportation and Experience, with themes for 2024 to include:

  • Marketing (Digital, Consumer, Advertising)
  • Trends (Emerging Markets, Investment, Consumer, Generational etc.)
  • Geo-Economics (Political Disruption, War, Inflation, Infrastructure etc.)
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Sustainability
  • Technology

Compensation will be considered. The deadline for submissions of Advisor roles is Monday, 22 April 2024.